Thursday, September 3, 2009

Colorado Day 2: Trail Ridge Road

Day 2 of our trip was spent en route from Boulder to Winter Park. We were going to Winter park to see a friend of Ojas's that had just moved there from Kansas. He told us that we should definitely take Trail Ridge Road to get there. This route went straight through Rocky National Park. In fact it was the main road through the park. Our whole day was spent driving on winding roads...stopping every now and then to check out an awesome view, eat some popcorn, or walk up a few trails

Ojas did the driving. I did the navigating.

There were a few cute little towns on the way to the park.

We did a lot of:

...walking...or at least it felt like a lot because of the altitude.

...climbing...and posing. That's Ojas trying to act like Superman.

... and coming close to near death experiences.

It's amazing how there are so many things to see in just one small area of the country:

...wildlife. We didn't get to see anything big but we did see lots of pretty birds. There was also this squirrel. He must have been fed by someone because his cheeks were stuffed and he stood on his hind legs right at my feet.

...snow! Or at least patches of it. When you're from Florida any type of ice is exciting. rocks

...gray rocks





...and mountains, of course.

All in all it was a good day. :)

Next up...Winter Park.

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