Monday, November 9, 2009

Song of the Day + New Moon

Let's state the obvious here...I'm a Twilight fan.  I'm not sure if I'm proud of it.  Usually I only talk about this "problem" with others that have it.  So New Moon is coming out in 11 days.  I have to say...I'm pretty excited.  Maybe even REALLY excited.

One of the things I was looking forward to was the soundtrack.  The first movie's soundtrack was pretty good so I hoped that the second would be too.  When I mentioned this to my friend Tina, she graciously offered to mail me a copy of the soundtrack. (Thanks again, Tina)  So far, I'm pretty pleased.  The soundtrack has another Muse song on it...and I love them.  There are also a lot of folksy songs on it too...songs that are good AND totally fit the story.  I can't believe that Death Cab for Cutie and the Killers even have songs on it.

So for anyone who is interested here is the song by OK Go, Shooting the Moon.

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