Saturday, November 7, 2009


Last night, Ru Paul, our beta fish had a little too much fun jumping around in his fish bowl.  He swam and jumped so hard that when my mom walked into the kitchen she found Ru Paul on the floor.  He was at least 6 feet away from the counter where his bowl stood.  My mom cried out "OH MY GOODNESS!" and began to scoop him up.  Even after falling 4 feet down, Ru Paul had a little fight left in him.  He flopped around, my mom scooped him up, and we both sighed in relief when we realized he was still alive.  Or rather...barely alive.

Today we found Ru Paul wasn't swimming anymore so I put him to rest in the toilet.  I might have even cried a little.  Hopefully he'll join Boy George, our former beta fish.  Both were named after flamboyant celebrities because of the fact that they were both male and rainbow colored.  I plan to name the next one Elton.

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