Thursday, January 21, 2010

Strike Three...I'm out.

After careful consideration, I've decided that God has no sympathy for me when it comes to my initials.

All my life, I've been PP.  As a 24 year old, these initials haven't really affected me lately (with the exception of some immature friends...coughcolleenscardinoandkalenmickeycough).  However, as a child growing up in Miami..."PP" was the source of a lot of ridicule.  I can say it may have even scarred me for life.  If any kids ever made fun of me by calling me "PEE PEE!" then I would say "Well, my full initials are PMP...and that, as a word, spells out PIMP. So there."  It never worked.

Well now's my chance.  I'm getting married and here comes an opportunity for a change.  My initials will now be a safe PS.

Then I thought about my full initials.  Some of us Indians usually take our husband's first name as our middle name when we get married.  So I'd be Priya Ojas Sampat.  Or POS.  Great.  I'm not peepee anymore...I'm worse.  A piece of...well, poop.

But again, I'm escaping this seeing as how I had decided a few years ago that I would keep my dad's name as my middle name.  Ultimately, that would make me Priya Mahendra Sampat.  So let's see...that would mean that I'm...

PMS. (smacks hand to forehead) I give up.


  1. I'd take premenstrual syndrome over piece of shit. just my two cents. hahahaha

  2. I hate to say it but this is one of the funniest things I have read in a long time.... I'm sorry I find immense humor in your misfortune. My initials are ecp- emergency contraceptive pill, not as well known as pos and pms but it is what it is.
