Wednesday, January 20, 2010

DC Part 2

The only other time I had been to DC before this New Years Eve trip was with my family.  I have to say that my parents definitely spoiled us kids with some awesome summer vacations.  We've been to Europe, India, RVing through Yellowstone/Grand Canyon/Las Vegas.  We've gone on cruises to the Caribbean and to Alaska. 

I think it was the summer before I moved to Naples that my parents had decided to take us on another trip.  So about 13 or 14 years ago my dad mapped out a route that would take us from Miami to Toronto (yeah...the one in Canada).  We took our old Isuzu Rodeo and hit the road...stopping, site seeing, and collecting photobooks and postcards along the way.  We got to see Philadelphia, Atlantic City, New York, Niagara Falls.  We visited my aunts family in South Carolina and rented a cabin in North Carolina.  And we went to DC. 

I think I had forgotten how impressive the monuments looked in real life.  They seriously took my breath away.  I envy cities with old architecture.  That is one of the things about Naples that I'm not too fond of...everything was built from the 70's on.

Even on a cold and misty day, the Capitol looked great.

I hadn't been to the National Gallery before.  I was glad that Natalie suggested it, because I loved it.  There she is with Terence, Karl, and Jon.

Our visit to the Gallery reminded me of that part in Ferris Bueller when they go to the museums.  Somehow, I always manage to relate everything to a part in a movie, show or song. 

We spent 2 or 3 days in DC on that trip with my family.  We got to see every monument in the Mall.  But...we didn't get to see them at night.  That in itself was a different experience.  It was a cold walk but totally worth doing.

See the US Treasury below?  It kinda glowed green and I immediately thought that if Beetlejuice had to settle, he'd probably pick this place to live. (D'oh...I did it again)
While the Metro isn't exactly a landmark, I thought it was one of the very cool things about DC.  I liked it so much better than the subways in New York.  It was nice going to a place where you didn't have to rely on cars.  Someday...oh someday...I will find a job and get to move to a place like this.  Even if it's just for a little while.

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