Friday, October 2, 2009

Song of the Day + Work Dancing

My two part time jobs can be a little stressful sometimes.  The drafting job gets to me because I stare at the screen for a straight 4 hours every day (not even 1 min. breaks).  The store gets to me because not many people have been coming to the mall lately so I get bored very easily.

The good thing about both these places is that there is music listening involved (sometimes for the drafting and always at the store).  Recently I've discovered that music helps me calm down/pass the time in two ways. The first is just by listening to it and the second is by dancing around to it.  I think I've only recently realized that I do the latter of the two a lot.  Something in my subconscious gets my toes tapping and then I realize that my butt has been moving around in my seat for the last fifteen minutes...or that I've been dancing behind the counter for a while and the guys across the mall at Finishline are looking at me like I'm a psycho.

So for today's song of the day, I picked a song that quickly became a favorite after I heard it on a Roxy promo CD.  I dare you to listen to this song and not wanna dance.  It's impossible for me...especially when it comes on at Aggro. Then again, maybe other people have more self-control than me :)  Here's Fancy Footwork by Chromeo.

Fancy Footwork Video

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