Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"I'll wait by the backstage door"

My mom, Anumasi, and Maya must be sick of seeing themselves on this blog.  Well, tough cookies for them.

India Fest was on the day before my birthday this year.  This is a festival that our Indian Association puts together every year.  They sell food, clothes, and jewelry.  They also have performances on stage.

As with the Diwali show, I was kinda weirded out with the fact that my mom was the one in the show while I was the one in the audience.  This wasn't the case until about 2 years ago.  I really miss dancing.  Sigh...how I long for the garba years.  Anyways, I digress.

Since everyone was taking so many pictures of the performances, I thought it would be cool to take some pictures of where most of the action happens -- backstage.  It was fun helping my family get ready.  Maya was in a dance and her "costume" was actually my masi's wedding sari.  Crazy crazy.

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