Thursday, March 18, 2010

"I'm far from lonely and it's all that I've got"

I could lie and say I've been too busy to update my blog. I have been busy for the past few weekends but not enough to ignore the one hobby that I've actually stuck to since I graduated back in May.

I'm into my 11th month of being unemployed and it is getting old. People tell me "enjoy the time you have because you won't get to do stuff once you get a job." They forget that you need money to do that stuff. Not only do you not have money but you really feel like you have no value to contribute the world. All in all, not getting and having a job...let alone not being able to get one in 10 months...has really made me feel like a loser.

I will say, again, that I'm lucky to have good people in my life. My mom who is there to keep me company. My friends...who I always have a good time with. And my boy who will soon be moving to Florida to be closer to me.

So now that I've said that, there actually has been a lot going on lately. Aside from wedding planning and trying to plan Ojas's move, the following has occurred:
- My friends Karen and Rick got married.
- My friends Terence and Natalie came down to Florida from DC for a few days
- I went to Tampa, Gainesville, and Orlando to see friends that I miss and don't get to see that often
- I have watched entirely too much of My So-Called Life...thank god there was only one season.

So now that I've started again, I will get back on the blogging wagon. See ya tomorrow with a post about Karen and Rick's wedding!

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