Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"25 and yearning for a ticket out"

My birthday was on Sunday, March 28th! Can you believe I'm 25? Personally, I'm a little flabbergasted. 

For the last 11 months I've been sulking and whining about how I don't have many friends anymore.  But on Saturday night, I realized that I've had good friends here all along.  A group of us went out to Bar Louie and maaaan oh man I had fun.  Let's just say that it's a blessing that I drank as much water as I did.

Here are some highlights of our night out:
We start the night off with a nice picture of the girls (and Ryan...he somehow made his way into almost all of the pictures)
Later in the night and we cut to the dancing. Oh the dancing.  We all have to thank Victoria for starting this :)
And flash forward to our friend-walk to Pita Pit.  We walked like this for the whole way there...mostly to make sure that Ryan made it there okay.
At the end of the night, I decided that my feet were hot.  Notice the look of satisfaction on my face.

After Saturday's shenanigans, I needed Sunday to do absolutely nothing!  I woke up at 12 with my mom freakin out at something hovering in front of our door.  She thought it was a person when really it was a balloon from Ojas.  The balloon was attached to a box and when I opened it, the balloon got loose and now is sitting at the ceiling on top of our living room.

And this is what I found in the box (along with a really cute note).  Thanks, Ojas! :)

Again, I'm really lucky to have such good people around me.  This birthday was so much fun! 



  1. so glad you had a happy birthday! and i really can NOT believe we are so old. weird.

  2. Awwww looks like you had a great time!
