Friday, December 18, 2009

Song of the Day + Traffic Reports

I was on my way to work yesterday listening to the local radio station in my car. And I realized something. Isn't it weird how car accidents are reported as inconveniences? The reason that they're reported on the radio is so that people know how much of a delay there will be on that road. Why don't they ever give a brief description of how serious the accident was or if the people in the accident are okay? It doesn't seem like it'll take up much more air time. "There's an accident on 41 and Vanderbilt. Just a slight fender bender, no one was hurt.Another accident on..." Right? But then again, maybe people don't wanna take a break in the middle of their music listening to hear about people who got seriously injured.

On that really random's Song of the Day is The News by Jack Johnson.

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