Monday, July 27, 2009

Back to the Grindstone

I'm back from Portland! It was a great trip. I got the perfect mixture of time spent with family, friend, and boyfriend. Hopefully, I can get some pics up soon. For now, it's seriously time to find a job. This is getting ridiculous.

Other things I need/want to do:
- Read (I'm on my NINTH book for the summer!)
- Revive my dead plants...sorry you didn't get taken care of while I was gone.
- Find a job
- Jury duty. yuck.
- Go to Tampa for a combo "Tye-Dye with my yahoo group/Goodbye, Colleen/Welcome to Florida, Rohan" weekend
- Find a job
- Hang out with Naples friends more
- Expand my music knowledge

Speaking of the's the song of the day. It's True Affection by The Blow. The video made by some guys cracks me up...especially at around :50.


  1. Those little girls are SOOOOOO cute! The little one raised the roof... hahahahaa. I also really like those martini glasses. they are awesome!

    I hope that by "Goodbye Colleen", you meant Colleen Herr's moving up to South Carolina, and that doesn't mean you plan to move out of Florida in the next couple months!

  2. also, at first I read "revive my dead plants" as "revive my dead PANTS." O RLY? hahaha

  3. hahahaha revive my dead pants!

    and yeah i meant colleen herr. i'm not going anywhere until i get a job.
