Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oh Happy Day!

Let me just start off by saying that what I feel today can best be said by Michael Buble.  Take it away, Mike!

I went to Gainesville Monday night in preparation for a career fair on Tuesday morning.  The first great thing about my little trip was that I was able to see some of my favorite people:

It's too bad that Matt ruined this picture because I can usually only hold a serious smile for one picture...

  See what I mean?

I think Kevin has the same problem.

Angela, Britt, and I out on Tuesday night...oh how I miss these girls!

While I was in town, Kiki let me crash at her place.  Thanks Kiki! Here she is with the awesome skateboard table she made:


So how did the career fair go?  It went great!  I went into it not expecting much.  I've done a lot of applying in the last 6 months and haven't gotten can you blame me?  As soon as I spoke to the first company, I could tell something was different.  Everyone had a different tone...a happier, more positive tone.  Instead of hearing the usual "wow...this really was not a good time to graduate", I was told that things are starting to look up.  I guess it doesn't hurt that I am willing to start work tomorrow in any part of the country.

I ended up with three interviews. THREE.  And again, one of them is with Disney and we all know that's like my dream job (literally...I've had dreams).  I'm not going to get too hopeful.  I know I haven't gotten a job yet but just the fact that people called me back, that I moved on to the next step makes me feel so much better.  I feel like my confidence has been boosted and I have hope again!

All I can do right now is pray, cross my fingers, my toes...whatever I need to do so that I can get this!

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