Tuesday, October 27, 2009


What a busy month! Phew! So behind with blogging! I've actually had some kind of life with the career fair, my grandparents coming from England, Ojas trips, Diwali, Garbas, etc.  On top of all that, I still have my Halloween Orlando trip next weekend! Yay!

Diwali was pretty eventful this year.  First there was the garba, then last week there the Gujurati Samaj Diwali.  It was nice to have my grandparents in town.  They're from England so they don't come here often.  The last time they were here was four and a half years ago...when things were really bad.  I think it was hard for them to come to our house and not see their son there.  They still are having a good time here though...so that makes me happy.

Last weekend was the Indian Association Diwali.  This one was a little weird for me.  Until a few years ago, I used to be in the show every year.  I used to (and still do) love dancing...especially when there's a group of us involved and it's an energetic song.  Things were a little backwards this year.  My mom took my place on stage while I took her place in the audience.  I played my role at proud mom so well that I took like 29823 pictures of my mom and none of Ojas and me.  Yes...Ojas came to Diwali.  He's such a cooperative boy.  :)

The dance was from a movie that pretty much ripped the story of She's the Man (starring Amanda Bynes). With that in mind, the dance had 12 women in it. Half of them were girls...and half were girls dressed as boys. My mom was a girl and my masi was a "guy". She had taken off her turban and fake mustache.
Hehe. These ladies are so much fun. They all call themselves the "Divas". Oh boy.

I have a video of the dance but still need to upload it. It'll be here soon :)

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