Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It's garba season! One of my favorite times of the year!  Whenever I think about garba I think about how much fun I had being a part of the Garba Girls at UF.  We had the best choreography and costumes.  It was just...ugh..I loved it.  While the days of choreographed garba are probably over for me...I can still enjoy the yearly dances done within the community.  And that is just what I did.  My family and I went to Ft. Myers where we go for most of our Indian festivities.  Garbas in Ft. Myers used to be...well...lame.  Compared to the huge ones at UF they were NOTHING.  So needless to say, I had low expecations.  I was in for a surprise.  Somehow the number of Indians had increased about 3 times since the last time I had been garba-ing in Ft. Myers (which was probably about 5 years ago).

I wish I had gotten more pictures but I was just so excited that I didn't even think about it! Besides, there were so many brown people in this joint that I probably wouldn't have gotten any great pictures anyways. I did get a video of all of us doing Raas...at 1 in the morning. (We're hardcore like that) You might wanna turn down the volume for this.

Another reason I didn't take pictures was because I looked disgusting. I don't know how I, a woman, can sweat so much. There were points when I thought I saw people looking at me and I thought..."MAN! I AM GOOD! They must be envious of my mad dancing skillz!" No no. One trip to the bathroom and I realized they were probably staring because there was a river pouring down my neck and my hair looked like it had just been rained on.

Good thing I got some "before" pics though!

 Look who came with us!  So what if she was the only white girl there? She was rockin the garba steps! Good job, Holly :)

Me, Holly, and my cousin Maya in a prom-like photo opp.  They look really excited.

The mom and the masi.