Monday, September 14, 2009

Colorado Day 4: Back to Denver

Our last day in Colorado. Le sigh. We made the 2 hour long trek back to Denver from Winter Park.  The drive was beautiful...although a little stressful for Ojas.  The roads wound around mountains.  Everytime I looked to my side I'd get a little queasy feeling because the sides just dropped down.  Not only did we get to go up, down, and around the mountains...but we also got to go through them!
About 20 min to Denver, we saw a sign on the road that said "POINT OF GEOLOGICAL INTEREST".  So we had to check it out.  We found Red Rocks Park where these random red rocks stuck out from the rest of the flatter yellow ground.  And what could make it cooler than some architecture? They had carved an amphitheater into the rock. Unfortunately, they just closed that part down so all we got to do was climb up a whole buncha steps that led up to a gate. Denied.  The place was still pretty cool.  It would have been awesome to watch a show there.
This is where I to take another stair picture...and um...catch my breath.    

After the "point of geological interest", we finally made it Denver.  Ojas had a flight at 7:30.  Mine was a little like 1:15 in the morning.  What was I to do with that many hours by myself with no car?  Easy.  Call up one of my favorite Gainesville girls, Laura.  It was so good to see her.  She had just moved out to Denver that summer and I had never had the chance to say bye to her.  So she picked me up and Ojas left.  We went to her place (which was...AWE.SOME), drank some wine, ate some of her homemade delicious pizza, and caught up on life.  At this point, I was sans camera so I didn't get any pictures of us :(  After a few hours, she dropped me off at the airport and I was homeward bound.  What a great trip. :)

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