Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kansas to Florida: St.Louis

Our first pit stop after leaving Kansas City was in St. Louis.  I have always wanted to go the arch, especially when I learned that you could ride up to the top of it.

What excited me even more is that the vehicles we rode up in were these tiny little pods that were designed in the 60s.  One little space fit five people for a 5 minute ride up to the top of the arch.

We was squished.

We got to know our fellow pod riders in those 5 minutes.  The two people sitting across from us were a couple from outside of Orlando.  They just happened to be in town visiting family.  The other guy was a guy in his 60s and when we asked him what he does he said "I'm a full time RVer".  All he does is ride around the country in his RV.  Imagine that life.

Anyways...knowing my luck I started getting a cough and cold right when we left Kansas.  When we got the to the top, I started getting shaky.  My cold combined with the height was making me feel super light headed.  So we walked around a bit and headed back down after a few minutes.  But not without getting some shots of downtown St. Louis first.  So glad we made this stop!

Since St.Louis was only about 3 hours away from Kansas City, we decided to head on. We passed through Illinois (got some therapeutic hot chocolate) and stopped for the night in Kentucky. Poor Ojas did all the driving. What a sport.

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