Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kansas to Florida: Kansas

It's official.  My Kansas boy is now a Florida boy.  We've been home for a few days now.  I have to say, it is going to take some adjustment to get used to him living here.  Not in a bad way...just in a different way.  Two weeks ago, we had been in our usual situation of leading our own lives and seeing eachother every 6 weeks or so.  Big change...but I am so happy we finally made it happen.

My mom and I went to Kansas on the 12th.  My mom finally got the chance to meet Ojas's parents. Ojas's brother, Udi, surprised us by flying in from Pennsylvania so she got a chance to meet him too.

My mom also had the chance to see some parts of that I had seen when I went there last year.  We went to downtown Lawrence and had a beer at Ojas's favorite brewery, Freestate.  He was pretty sad about leaving this place.

We showed my mom around the Plaza and had our first Sampat-Patel family dinner at a Mexican restaurant there.
 I took this picture when we were leaving the restaurant and I thought it was just so cute!

While we had the families together, we thought it'd be nice to have a little mini engagement. So we got dressed up and took some pictures at the Sampat house.
Ojas's family gave me a few gifts for our engagement.  I could see that Ojas definitely had a hand in it because all the clothes and such were teal.  What a good guy for remembering my favorite color!
We only stayed in Kansas for a day a half.  On the 14th, we started our road trip back to Florida with some awesome stops along the way.  To be continued!

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