Tuesday, February 9, 2010

We can be heroes just for one day

By day I'm just your average unemployed Indian girl.  Looking for a job, planning a wedding, spending time with my mom and friends.  Nothing too out of the ordinary.

But by night...I'm a butt-kicking crime-fighting super hero.

Ok so here's the real reason I had baby powder in a strip of my hair:
A few of my friends were going to a "Heroes/Villians" themed party.  Because I am somewhat of a dork/tomboy, I really wanted to go as Rogue from the Xmen. (She and Gambit were my favorites when I was younger)

It turns out only me and my friend Tim dressed up...which was fine.  Tim had dressed up as  Spiderman and it was obvious of who he was supposed to be.  I, on the other hand, had several people walk up to me during the party who said "HEY! YOU'RE STORM!"  I guess the brown skin was throwing everyone off.

Either way, you probably wouldn't wanna mess with this:


  1. Sweet...ass...costume.

    How the hell did no one know you were ROGUE!?!?
