Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Two Bodies One Mind

I weighed myself tonight and it turns out that I've lost 14 pounds since I graduated. Holy moly! I guess there are benefits to not having money afterall.  I don't eat out as much and exercise is usually free.

I been really into running lately because a) i've been unsure about paying for another month of membership at my gym and b) because running in this weather is one of the best feelings ever.

I played some Paramore to get me pumpin' tonight and it reminded me of when I used to go running with Brittany at the UF track. She was such a good Weight Watchers buddy last year. Oh how I miss ye, Brrrritneh. I still don't use that Irish/Scottish accent with anyone but you. That's weird.  But then again, we are weird people (See below)

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