It became a tradition to bring a low-fat dessert to each Glee night. Usually someone would bring Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches or Weight Watchers ice cream bars. However, last week was the season finale...and store bought, low calorie desserts just would not suffice. So Erika came up with a brilliant plan. She and I would bake a cake from scratch. Holly and Victoria couldn't participate because they had to work during the day. We decided to go with a chocolate cake with chocolate ganache and meringue icing. Yummmay.
I went over to Erika's house that Wednesday. Being the expert baker that she is, she had already laid out all the materials and tools needed to bake the perfect cake.
Look at all the butter! Yikes.
Erika baked, I assisted, and Peanut helped us clean whatever had fallen on the floor.
We made the three layer so gigantic that the third layer started sliding off! So we decided to take the top layer off. Coincidentally, the spatula Erika used left her with a monogram.
i love that peanut made the blog. we should bake more, that was fun. next time you can pick out something!