Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Every Friday just about midnight, All my problems seem to disappear"

I am so skeezed out right now.  By definition, to be "skeezed" is to be grossed out, weirded out, or disgusted...according to the Priya Dictionary.  There was a comment left that was definitely skeezy...and I have no idea who it was.  I almost wonder if blogs are really that safe.  I'll have to keep an eye out. Hopefully it doesn't happen again.

In other news, tomorrow is Friday! So this is what it feels like to appreciate the weekend!  It wasn't too eventful of a week at work but having some fun socially.  Yesterday Kalen, Seth and I went to an Indian restaurant.  It was their first time eating at one...that's always kinda exciting.  Besides, I know they're some of the only people who I can unleash my full silliness around.  Taking it easy today then going out with Cheech, my friend from UF, tomorrow.  Satruday night Ojas gets here and he'll be here till Tuesday morning! Yay :)

I did take it upon myself to mess with my company's website.  Here is what it is now:

and here's what I did today:

If anyone could give me any input...comments/suggestions...I would totally appreciate it.  I'm loving this place!  Next week I'm going to visit the jobsite...the jobsite being Disney! So freakin excited!!

My posts will go back to having pictures soon.  My stuff is just all over the place...maybe I'll take some pics this weekend when the Juice (that's my nerdy boy) and I go running at the lake.

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