Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Song of the Day

I cannot stop listening to this song! I love it! I think I'm sorta falling in love with this band.  Here's The Script's "Breakeven".

I feel like Terence Eglitis would concur?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"25 and yearning for a ticket out"

My birthday was on Sunday, March 28th! Can you believe I'm 25? Personally, I'm a little flabbergasted. 

For the last 11 months I've been sulking and whining about how I don't have many friends anymore.  But on Saturday night, I realized that I've had good friends here all along.  A group of us went out to Bar Louie and maaaan oh man I had fun.  Let's just say that it's a blessing that I drank as much water as I did.

Here are some highlights of our night out:
We start the night off with a nice picture of the girls (and Ryan...he somehow made his way into almost all of the pictures)
Later in the night and we cut to the dancing. Oh the dancing.  We all have to thank Victoria for starting this :)
And flash forward to our friend-walk to Pita Pit.  We walked like this for the whole way there...mostly to make sure that Ryan made it there okay.
At the end of the night, I decided that my feet were hot.  Notice the look of satisfaction on my face.

After Saturday's shenanigans, I needed Sunday to do absolutely nothing!  I woke up at 12 with my mom freakin out at something hovering in front of our door.  She thought it was a person when really it was a balloon from Ojas.  The balloon was attached to a box and when I opened it, the balloon got loose and now is sitting at the ceiling on top of our living room.

And this is what I found in the box (along with a really cute note).  Thanks, Ojas! :)

Again, I'm really lucky to have such good people around me.  This birthday was so much fun! 


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Somebody told me that you have a boyfriend that looks like a girlfriend..."

One of the things I like about Ojas is that he is comfortable with himself.  So comfortable, in fact,  that when I had this huge balloon hat made for him at Sweet Tomatoes, he wore it around with pride. 

Just in case you couldn't tell...the hat is one that a female viking or opera singer would wear.  Note the blonde braids.  Sometimes I really can't tell who wears the pants in our relationship.

Friday, March 19, 2010

"Going to the chapel and we're gonna get married..."

To say I had fun at Karen and Rick's wedding would be a huge understatement. There are just so many things about weddings that make me happy: seeing old friends, dancing, dressing up, umm...the open bar.

I have known Karen since the sixth grade and it is just insane to see someone you've known for that long get married. It seems like she and Rick have been a married couple for a while, hehe, but it's still exciting to see it actually happen!

So here are a few of my favorite things from the Szatkowski wedding:

The photographer had us take pictures on the beach. It was sooooo windy out and our hair was whipping in our faces and our heels were sinking in the sand and our skirts were flying up was so much fun. Of course the limo ride to and from the beach was a blast as well :) The boys had beer ready for us and we were all singing. It was already known that a great night was approaching us!

 Another shining moment of the weekend was getting my friend Jeff to "raise the roof" with me and we walked into the reception.  And even better...catching him sing "Stayin Alive" to himself later in the evening.  I think that was like the first time I've seen Jeff both sing and dance...let alone at the same time.

Ah, Gainesville Place...what awesome neighbors we had.  Thank goodness Karen moved in with them because we might have never have known them!  It was so good seeing them at the wedding.  They are just so fun to be around! And of course, so are my old roomies :)

Speaking of roomies...dancing with Kalen was definitely a highlight!  We pulled out all of our old moves. I just wish we had remembered to perform the "Grocery Store Checkout".  Either way, no one could ever dream of having our skills.  We're like fire and ice! Sugar and spice! Vanilla and chocolate!

Ojas's flight got cancelled for the weekend due to snow in Dallas?!  And although we missed him, I decided to bring my mom as my date to the rehearsal dinner.  I  couldn't make a better date choice.  We had a blast...and we may have had a little toooo much wine.

During the reception, Karen and Rick played a game where the DJ would say something like "Who will wash the dishes?" and the couple would anonymously hold up the shoe of the person who would do it.  This picture was taken on the last question when the DJ asked "Who wears the pants?".  Of course they both held up Karen's shoe.

And my favorite thing of all...seeing one of my best friends get married to a really great guy (who happens to also be a friend of mine).  I can't think of a couple more perfect for each other.  Even if they are a little sickening at times :P

Thursday, March 18, 2010

"I'm far from lonely and it's all that I've got"

I could lie and say I've been too busy to update my blog. I have been busy for the past few weekends but not enough to ignore the one hobby that I've actually stuck to since I graduated back in May.

I'm into my 11th month of being unemployed and it is getting old. People tell me "enjoy the time you have because you won't get to do stuff once you get a job." They forget that you need money to do that stuff. Not only do you not have money but you really feel like you have no value to contribute the world. All in all, not getting and having a job...let alone not being able to get one in 10 months...has really made me feel like a loser.

I will say, again, that I'm lucky to have good people in my life. My mom who is there to keep me company. My friends...who I always have a good time with. And my boy who will soon be moving to Florida to be closer to me.

So now that I've said that, there actually has been a lot going on lately. Aside from wedding planning and trying to plan Ojas's move, the following has occurred:
- My friends Karen and Rick got married.
- My friends Terence and Natalie came down to Florida from DC for a few days
- I went to Tampa, Gainesville, and Orlando to see friends that I miss and don't get to see that often
- I have watched entirely too much of My So-Called Life...thank god there was only one season.

So now that I've started again, I will get back on the blogging wagon. See ya tomorrow with a post about Karen and Rick's wedding!